Thursday, May 24, 2012

This just in from "The Fishing Poles": Calm evening on Wednesday night with little or no wind. Fishing was great although catching was a bit slow, went 3 for 4, all kings with one weighing in at 15.8 lbs. All fish hit mag and medium spoons with allot of silver off riggers, dipseys and lead... No copper or fly hits. Set up in 90 FOW and worked all the way out to 160 and then back in to 90 by end of night. All hits came in 120 to 150 FOW. Flies were as bad as we have ever seen, although they were not biting they were thick! Capt. Jim

If you have a Salmon Fishing Report for Lake Michigan please reply to this post. Fish On!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally pushed the Corner Office out of the slip for its inaugural voyage Saturday night. Worked the water from 5:00pm to 9:30pm and went 4-for-4. Could not find any bait or action in 160-180 FOW. Picked up ~8lb stealhead on a rigger 35' down with a green/yellow ProKing and a small king on a banana rig dipsey, 2-set w/ ring 90' back. Moved in as dusk approached and found bait fish in 90-100 FOW. Picked up another ~6lb king on the banana rig and a ~12lb king on a rigger 40' down with a watermellon spoon that is primarily yellow in presentation. Both 1/2 cores and the full core lead did not get bumped all evening.