We ended the night 4 for 8, 2 kings and 2 steelhead. The largest being a 15 lb king. We lost 2 more steelhead behind the boat. Well, we actually lost 3 of them - let me explain: The first steelhead we had to put in the box and net twice. After putting it in the cooler, I turned my head for a second and it jumped out, right back into the water. Net in hand, I looked for it behind the platform and saw him about 2 feet down lingering and dove the net down and netted this one for a second time. The interesting and lucky detail was that this fish was fresh as it had hit a down rigger and was brought in pretty quickly. It was incredibly lucky he didn't swim away immediately after hitting the water.
We took 2 hits on both Lead and Dipsies, and the Riggers were the hottest with 4 hits. A homespun, gold fly took two hits and a variety of spoons did the rest. We were straight out and a little north of the Channel in 90 to 110 FOW. The air shows that the Steelhead put on were amazing!
After the lines were in, we took a quick swim. 68 degrees on the Surface.
If you have a Salmon Fishing Report for Lake Michigan please click on the "Comments" link below. Fish On!