Friday, August 23, 2024

Rod Boss Sportfishing 8/23/24

 The week after the lake flip has been pretty go so far.  We have been fishing from 70-140 fow.  Starting inside early then moving out as the day goes.  Mainly paddles and flies on the medium to lower coppers 250-400.  Probably not worth running many coppers above this as the fish seem to be in the bottom 2/3 of the water column early then maybe the bottom half of the water column as you go deeper to the 100-140 fow.  Mix of meat and flies on the divers have been working.  High divers back 160-200 and low divers back 90-110.  Riggers down 50-70 have been active, mainly the slides as there are a lot of cohos around.  

If you have a Salmon Fishing Report for Lake Michigan please click on the "Comments" link below. Fish On!

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